We have filed our 4th and 5th continuation patent applications – for using virtual interactive zones for the control of machines and for creating and evidencing several types of interactive zones on maps. The 5th one was filed on Tuesday after about 9 months of research, searches, drafting, drawing, etc. Will post it soon, but suffice to say that it builds on and is an extrapolation of the first three, but is more focused on controlling machines – such as drones and autonomous cars – and methods to facilitate the creation of zones and evidence them – publicize them – via online maps. You’ll get the idea better when you see the application, which we will publish as soon as the USPTO does.
The central idea is that, rather than have multiple proximity based systems – tied to different legacy infrastructures – ie. beacons and cell towers – one mobile app can be used to access and interact with any geo-enclosed activity, down to the centimeter level when using next gen mobile devices. So a matter of distribution – making it easy for any cartographer to create an interactive zone and publish it, basically for free – if the zone is free/non-commercial.
Tap an app with the Zonal code or use the Zonal app and find what they are looking for in the zoned area – displayed as an index of what’s in in that place: hyperlocal social interaction, coupons, gaming, store navigation, you name it = you zone it
You can use your own branded app with Zonal code, but you won’t need multiple speciality apps for the same geo-enclosed areas, one app can access any public zone

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